About Us

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"Our core mission and values, have nourished Cursorocity's success. Our commitment to our clients and our peoples, are at the heart of everything we do."

Running through Success

Our success story


2019 Brand of the year


Innovative ideas


Completed Strategy


Other Plans
A little more of us

Hi! Moiz Khan is Kennedy Blind and I invite you to know our strategic plan that will revolutionize your company.

Cursorocity Inc ( A Moiz Khan Group Company) is a full-service Web designing, Digital Media Marketing, Mobile Applications, Custom Applications and Product branding company founded in 2015. We provide the highest superior quality service to our clients. All of our team are certified and experts at Application Designing and Digital Media Marketing, its management takes pride in having a strong and qualified team of employees who constitute the backbone of CURSOROCITY™ success and take pride in identifying themselves with the success of the organization.